(c’78) Chris Brayne (drums), Stuart Reffold (vocals), Keith Purnell (guitar), Tim Weatley (bass/vocals), and Mick Hogsden/Bryant (piano/vocals).

The band appeared on the Guildford artist compilation ‘Who Invited Them?’ [TR001] on the Thumb Records label in ’78. Featuring 10 tracks from Guildford bands it included Poker’s “Walkin’ The Dog”, “Something You Got” and “Rock ‘N Roll On Our Minds”.

Brayne had played in The Stormsville Shakers; Backhurst was in The Famous Rondini Brothers, prior to Poker, before going on to join Mungo Jerry. Purnell is rumored to have been in Billie J. Kramer’s backing band. Reffold had been in Duffy in the early ’70s, who saw success in Europe. Weatley owned / ran Chestnut Studios and had played in Good Earth, Gracious, Taggart, then House before joining Poker. Another ex-Stormsville Shaker, Dave Sherrington (sax) had also been part of Poker as well as guesting with House.

