(c’94 to ’03) Inspired by Strewth fanzine Pete Cole started the Home & Away zine and it was created, written and curated by Cole. It was originally called Groove News, playing off of Cole’s legendary Farnborough Groove compilation series, and would later become H&AZine, and was a staple source of information.

Cole recalls one of is first items being a not so positive review of The Outcast Band’s debut album, using the term “2nd rate Levellers”. Copies were put on tables at the Cricketers, Westfield during a Backlash gig. But, The Outcast Band’s Paul played fiddle on a couple of Backlash tunes. Cole was at the urinal when in comes Paul with Outcast front man Damien and stood either side of him. Paul says to Damien “..see that shit review? I’m gonna kill whoever wrote that”. Cole kept very quiet and left early.

Home & Away #2, released in November ’94, reviewed Yateley based Headcopter’s ‘No Room Too Small’ demo and profiled Who Moved The Ground?.

January ’95 saw the publication of Home & Away #4, with Inga and Maria writing up their impressions of Senseless Things, Joyrider and Who Moved The Ground? at Agincourt, Camberley that went down on 9 December ’94. Two months later the fanzine published Bruno’s review of Skipper and Headcopter at The Shed, South Hill Park, Bracknell on 9 March ’95; as The Wasp Factory had pulled out due to illness.

Our only complete issue, covering four pages, is from March/April 2002, with the name shortened to H&AZine. Read it in the gallery below:
